Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Sara brought Jo trick or treating tonight. She was just adorable, all decked out in the fairy costume Amanda gave her for her birthday, I just had to take a picture!

They stayed to visit a while, and played with Snickers, before heading off to do a little bit more Trick or Treating before going home to bed. I sent her home with some candy for Ammon, too, who was sleeping. Their visit just made my day!

Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween, everybody!

Monday, Monday

Monday was a slow day...too worn out to do anything! But the weekend was so much fun, it was worth it :)

Monday, October 30, 2006

These gorgeous autumn days

After Sunday School, Amanda came back to my house. We cooked, sat outside to enjoy the beautiful autumn day, and then took naps. After Amanda went home, I checked my computer and found that her husband Brandon had sent me some awesome autumn pictures to scrap! Check this one out:

Primary Singers

Yesterday our ward Primary had their annual program. The Church was packed! (You know your ward is ready to be split when the Sacrament has to be blessed twice, even though you have 8 Priesthood holders administering it.) It was the best Primary program I have ever heard. Those kids really knew their songs, and weren't afraid to sing LOUD! Even though we were in the back, where all the tiny ones sit, we could hear everything.

Evil Scrapper??

I wonder if this is how my family sees me ;)

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Just to get You in the Halloween Spirit!

Blogger Upgrade

I just upgraded to the Blogger Beta version, and during the upgrade, my missing post was recovered! Hooray! I already am falling in love with the new upgrade :)

Harvest Festival

Well, Blogger "ate" yesterday's post about making the chili, and I didn't have time to redo it, so we'll all just have to live without it ;)

Last night was our Ward's Harvest Festival. There was a chili cookoff, genuine hot tamales, cornbread, and many pies. After dinner, there were games for the children, and treats! Oodles of treats for little ones.

Amanda and Brandon and helpers did a terrific job of decorating, getting the whole cultural hall in a fall festival mode. Scarecrows decorated strategic locations. Bats hung from the ceilings, spiders and spooky eyes adorned the orange and white tables. My family had their own table for dinner. Amanda was feeling pretty good -- she ate, and Brandon very thoughtfully kept us all supplied with food from other people's tables. Jay had brought Ammon and Josephine. Each had a punk wig of a different color - pink and green! (Gee, those wigs look familiar -- hee hee hee.)

I brought a friend named June, and we had fun talking and "people watching." Ammon soon attracted a small "girlfriend", who kept coming up to his face and then puckering up for a kiss. I wish I had thought to bring my camera, it was so cute!! Ammon, in true boyhood fashion, was unimpressed and did not reciprocate the kiss, but he did let her hug him, which was also quite sweet. Jo, once she got over her initial shyness, talked up a storm. Jo liked my chili! Other people also commented favorably on it, even though it was cold because I overslept my afternoon nap and didn't get the crockpot plugged in for reheating.

It was fun listening to Ammon jabber and make motor noises as he pushed a chair around. Jo sat in my lap for awhile, but was happy to go play the games with Amanda. Jo won a cute stuffed octopus with brightly striped arms.

When it was time to go home, both children were tuckered out. A good time was had by all!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Making Chili

Amanda entered me in a Chili Cookoff that is part of tonight's Harvest Festival. She has worked hard on the planning and advertising of this Ward party, even though she has been battling morning sickness and other woes of early pregnancy. I was pleased that she thought my chili was good enough to enter, and I made a special shopping trip Wednesday to get the ingredients that I didn't have in the house.

Unfortunately, I fell Thursday night, and felt very sore Friday, too sore to make my special chili recipe. When I told Amanda that I couldn't make it today, but would try to get it made Saturday morning, she and Brandon made secret plans.

At about 5:30 last night, Amanda and Brandon dropped by, and we had a chili making party! Jamie was already here, and she helped too. With so many people chopping ingredients, I could stand back and be the "Master Cook", making my spice mix (which Brandon very helpfully found for me on the internet, since I couldn't find the recipe. (It makes a lot, so I don't use the recipe often enough to have it memorized.) Then I got out the remaining ingredients and began putting it all together. Whoever coined the phrase "Too many cooks spoil the broth" was never in my kitchen! We laughed and talked, and before long, it was all put together and simmering!

Of course, I had to taste test it, to be sure it tasted just right. I'm pleased, and tonight we'll see what other people think!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Woo Hoo!

Woo Hoo! My wonderful son in law figured out what was wrong with my blog and I am now online for real!